Hoodia Gordonii

Hoodia Gordonii   25   kg
Hoodia Gordonii   50   kg
Hoodia Gordonii   100 kg
Hoodia Gordonii   250 kg
Hoodia Gordonii more than 250 kg

For quantity and price, please contact us


Hoodia (Hoodia Gordonii) is a succulent plant in the milkweed family
(Asclepiadaceae ) from Namibia in southwestern Africa. Hoodia may have
benefits on weight management by suppressing appetite. Hoodia has
been used by San tribes for centuries. San used the hoodia cactus as an
appetite suppressant during their long marches and hunting trips through
the vast desert.


As long as the suggested serving size is adhered to, Hoodia Gordonii is safe to consume. However, it should not be consumed by women who are nursing or pregnant.


The flavor of Hoodia Gordonii is both bitter and very strong; however, it can be effectively added to a flavored drink in order to mask some of the bitterness. It can also be packed into empty capsules and taken in that form as well.

Serving Size & Timing
The suggested serving size of Hoodia Gordonii ranges from 250mg to 500mg to be taken one hour before a meal. A little less than 1/8 tsp will roughly equal 250mg, and just under 1/4 tsp will equal 500mg.


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